オゾンガス・オゾン水・紫外線による殺菌消臭機器の製造販売の業界最大手メーカー タムラテコのサイトです。
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Ozone sterilizers BT-088M

Tamura TECO Co., the manufacturer and seller of “Ozone sterilizers” and “Ozone deodorizers.” We are a machine manufacturing company in Osaka, Japan. We also have locations in Tokyo, Kyushu, Singapore, and Shenzhen, China. Our company has a lineup of various machines that use ozone (O3) to disinfect, sanitize, and deodorize spaces. With regards to the coronavirus (COVID-19) in particular, we have publicized research in coordination with a Japanese university on the inactivation brought on by ozone. We handle “BT-088M” devices that automatically operate ozone
